Welcome to My real Blog for my MBA Course
My name is Sharon Simms. I have two children and I run my own marketing research company in Trinidad & Tobago. I am currently doing my MBA at Anglia Ruskin University and I am doing a blog as apart of one of my courses . My decision to do a blog on Organic Produce stems from the fact that overtime I have become aware of the need to live a healthy lifestyle which is sustainable for me and my family and which also respects the environment which is under constant attack both deliberately and inadvertently Through this blog I am seeking to create an online community of like minded persons who can share opinions, information and activities relating to health and wellness (e.g. eating organic foods and recipes), how to have a positive impact on the environment (reduced plastics, energy conservation, energy alternatives), evaluating the foods we eat now and the farming practices which produce them, and where to source organic produce in Trinidad and Tobago and the wid...