Personal HEALTH -The Need for Exercise

According to English Oxford Dictionary exercise is activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness.
. It keeps you fit.
Exercise helps you to have a strong body, which reduces your chances of having weight-related diseases.
   It can be like meditation.
Exercise is actually a stress release. Exercise allowsme to enter an almost meditation-like state. While exercising, I am able to focused on the present.
It also helps me to unclog my mind , that is helps me’ to work things’ .
What about you?  Tell us how does exercise help you?
It’s a healthy hobby that you can enjoy anywhere.
No gym or fancy equipment is necessary. Exercise can be free. You can take it to the next level, join a gym, get a personal trainer.
There are many forms of exercise  can walk, run, some sit-ups in your living room, swim
Whether it’s to help relieve stress or a way to keep your heart healthy and strong, there is no shortage of reasons for why exercise is important.


  1. Yes! I agree 100%. Exercise can be done anywhere at anytime and it’s very therapeutic. It should be a part of our daily routines!


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